Third House Nature Center announces a six-week class in beginning birdwatching with Ed Johann Thursday March 30th-May 4th at 6:00 PM.
Birdwatching opens up a world that connects us to birds, nature, and to one another. Birding is an endlessly fascinating hobby, and one that you can pursue as you wish- solo or with a friendly group, casually or with competitive intensity, out your back door or anywhere in the world. Learn essential tips and techniques for identifying the birds around you. Examine field guides, binoculars, spotting scopes, websites and useful apps. Build your field identification skills by observation of size and shape, color pattern and markings, behavior, habitat and range, and sounds. Learn how and why birdwatching changes so dramatically from season to season.
Six classes will be held weekly on Thursdays at Third House (next to Deep Hollow Ranch) in Montauk beginning March 30th, late entrants will be allowed to join the class on subsequent Thursdays.
Several optional field trips will be scheduled in May determined by participants availability.
The course is free to the public. Binoculars and field guides will be available for participant use.
To register for the class or for more information please contact Vicki Bustamante at vickibustamante@gmail.com or Ed Johann at avedonia@aol.com